Sunday, December 14, 2008

What I realize

What a wonderful, exciting and eventful year. It is coming to an end and I must say I am ready for whatever 2009 has in store for me. I look back at what I have accomplished in 2008 and what I hope to accomplish in 2009. Was I a good enough mother, a good enough wife, a good enough friend? Did I volunteer enough, did I give enough back, did I read my bible enough? Asking myself these questions I realize alot of things. In life we have so many choices and so many different paths we can take. Life is not simple or exact. It is what we make of it. Without God in our life we make choices based on "OUR" feelings and desires. I have been down so many rocky roads in my 32 years and when I look back at those days I see that I lacked faith and discipline. With God in my heart each and everyday, I am challenged to be a better person. To walk a path that will make God proud. I feel like I could go on and on about how I could have made it a better year, but what I realize first and foremost is that I need to focus more on my God and the Peace ONLY he gives me. I can worry about how much money I make or what kind of car I drive, but at the end that does not matter. All that matters is my final home--- that is Heaven. The day I meet my Lord will be more important than anything else I can ever do. And for those of you who aren't sure if God is REAL - I challenge you in 2009 to pick-up your bible and read it. It will answer your questions. I know that I would not risk the chance of spending my eternity in HELL when I could be spending eternity in HEAVEN. God gives you the choice to make and I hope you will choose him!!!